Jordan Hatfield, Author at Hotbox Heaters

Blog & Top Tips

Why You Should Maintain Your Greenhouse Heater

Why You Should Maintain Your Greenhouse Heater

A poorly maintained gas greenhouse heater can pose significant risks, including the potential for elevated carbon monoxide (CO) levels. Carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless gas that you get from burning fuels like propane or natural gas. When combustion is incomplete due to poor maintenance, the greenhouse heater can release higher levels of CO into […]

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How to Light a Gas BBQ

How to Light a Gas BBQ

We’ve talked before about how to cook on a gas BBQ, but let’s talk about how to light a gas BBQ in the first place. 1. Check Your Gas Supply Make sure your gas supply is properly connected to your BBQ. 2. Open the Lid Lighting your BBQ with the lid closed can cause a […]

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